Event displays

- 1 min

This post was originally posted on the CERN Change Blog at http://change-archive.web.cern.ch/blog/silvia-tomanin/event-displays

After several development iterations and tests we finally managed to fix a workflow and a format to import event displays and their metadata on the new CERN home page.

We will collect and manage the events from the experiments via a JSON feed on the CASA website and then expose them to the home page where they will be displayed.

The format we propose that the experiments can use to feed their events is documented on the CASA site. Please note that there are some requirements that you need to follow carefully if you want your feed, and your events, to be accepted (maximum length for title and caption; size, format, background color for the event image, …).

Another possibility you have to upload your events is doing so manually via the CASA interface. This way could be handy if you don’t have many events to upload.

At the moment we are already collecting data from several experiments (CMS, LHCb, NA61), if you wish to collaborate you can get in touch with me via mail or this contact form.

Your feedback is welcome.

This post was originally posted on the CERN Change Blog at http://change-archive.web.cern.ch/blog/silvia-tomanin/event-displays

Silvia Tomanin

Silvia Tomanin

Web engineer, product manager. Open Source and Open Data enthusiast.

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