The flagging system: help us improving the content

- 1 min

This post was originally posted on the CERN Change Blog at

So far for the current CERN Public site the only way to give feedback is to contact the Web Communications team via email.

For the new site though we thought that we need a better way to keep track and review the content.

Is it up to date? Is it correct? Does it need review?

In order make the review process easier we have implemented a flagging system that will allow users to “flag” different types of content (posts, comments, documents…) to give feedback on the content and help us improving it.

The first “flag” that we setup allows CERN users to give feedback on the site content in the About section.

Once you are logged in into the site, at the bottom of each post you’ll find a “Give feedback” link that will let you mark the content if you think it is out of date, contains errors or needs to be broaden.

Markdown Image

As soon as you flag some content the site editors will be notified via email so that the review procedure gets faster.

This is just the first of a possible serie of flags -in the future we could let people report comments as spam for example, in the sections where they will be allowed-, it still needs some improvement (the “Give feedback” link still need to be styled) but if you want to try it yourself and help us testing it you can already start giving feedback on the posts.

This post was originally posted on the CERN Change Blog at

Silvia Tomanin

Silvia Tomanin

Web engineer, product manager. Open Source and Open Data enthusiast.

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